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Banks' 'living wills' aren't looking so good

Aug 5, 2014
Banks still don't have realistic plans for an "orderly failure."

Republicans have a birthday card for Dodd-Frank

Jul 21, 2014
A look at the progress of the Dodd-Frank Act four years in.

Failing deals: a trend, or temporary?

Jul 7, 2014
The repo market under strain

A commission without commissioners

Nov 6, 2013
Bart Chilton, known as a firebrand and for making all manner of music allusions in his speeches, is leaving the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Supreme Court could cause trouble for consumer watchdog

Jun 20, 2013
The Supreme Court is expected to take a case on whether several recess appointments were constitutional -- and that has implications for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Goldman CEO Blankfein warns 'fiscal cliff' threatens confidence in U.S. economy

Oct 2, 2012
Lloyd Blankfein, chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, says the U.S. risks a ratings downgrade and a hit to its reputation as a global business leader as legislators battle over the upcoming 'fiscal cliff.'

When regulations change: From baseball to banking

Jul 20, 2012
Two years after the Dodd-Frank Law was enacted, many in the banking sector are still grumbling about the change in regulation. How does that compare to when the rules change in another American pastime: Baseball?

For public good, not for profit.

Sheila Bair on the state of Dodd-Frank and financial reform

Jul 18, 2012
Two years ago this Saturday, President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank financial reform law. Many say the bailout pulled the economy back from the brink. But the ad-hoc nature of the bailout made clear we needed better ways of responding to -- and ideally preventing -- financial crises.

Regulators to define 'swap' under Dodd-Frank Act

Jul 10, 2012
Today, federal regulators are going to define the word "swap," -- and that seemingly simple act will set in motion a series of new regulations that are part of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.

Senators get briefing on Dodd-Frank progress

Jun 6, 2012
Implementation of the financial industry overhaul is still a work in progress. More than half of the 400 new rules have missed their deadlines.