An upstart in the certification of doctors

Sep 7, 2015
Board certification of physicians has become a multi-million dollar — and time consuming — industry.

Doctor housecalls are back with the click of button

Aug 10, 2015
Heal promises an MD in an hour for $99. Renee Dua is the mother of the invention.

Fast-tracking doctors to lessen student loans

Jul 20, 2015
A new trend aims to get students through medical school in 3 years instead 4.

Medicare to pay for end-of-life discussions

Jul 9, 2015
And private insurers usually follow Medicare’s lead.

Why primary care doctors are getting paid more

Jul 8, 2015
Insurers want the physicians to act as gatekeepers, making them more valuable.

Health care costs? Let's talk

Jun 17, 2015
Vets offer a price range for treatments. Can we ask our doctors for the same?

'Instagram for doctors' is grisly and useful

May 13, 2015
Lurkers are allowed, so privacy is a priority.

For public good, not for profit.

A push for transparency in healthcare pricing

Mar 27, 2015
Prices often remain a mystery in the $3 trillion a year healthcare sector.

Romneycare helps reform how doctors are paid

Mar 17, 2015
A paradigm shift in healthcare spending is already starting in Massachusetts.

The Ebola fight's HR problem

Oct 27, 2014
How do groups recruit healthcare workers who are needed to contain the outbreak?