Negotiating credit card rates?

Dec 30, 2008
Question: do you think paying for a service to lower interest rates on credit cards can work? AFL Financial Services charged 990.00 to negotiate...

Credit problems

Nov 19, 2008
Question: I have been working to eliminate my personal revolving debt for more than five years by paying the minimum monthly or more. It is evident...

Co-sign a loan?

Nov 12, 2008
Question: My daughter and son-in-law have an empty "underwater" condo. We all shudder at the thought of renting it out! It's hurting them to be...

Borrow to buy?

Oct 28, 2008
Question: The stock market meltdown that we're facing today looks like one of the best stock buying opportunities that I am likely to face in my...

Which Debt to Pay Down?

Sep 10, 2008
Question: My parents gave me a check to help with debt reduction. I am somewhat overwhelmed with the possible uses for this check. I have a loan...

Borrow to Fund 529s?

Aug 25, 2008
Question: My wife and I have no debt except for $23,000 from a home-equity line. This year, she took some time off, reducing our income and meaning...

Out of Debt. Now What?

Jul 31, 2008
Question: I just paid off the last of all my debts! After getting into some serious spending problems in my 20s, I've poured everything extra over...

For public good, not for profit.

Debt Trouble and Reverse Mortgage

Jul 29, 2008
Question: My husband and I have accumulated $75K of credit card debt. Over the past five years we have suffered a few layoffs, and I now make half...

Borrowing Against 403(b)

Jul 15, 2008
Question: Most of my 403B money (Thrift Savings Plan) is in the government securities (G) fund. I have a mortgage on a commercial real estate...

Pay Down Debt Too Fast?

Jul 14, 2008
Question: Background: My wife and I are recently married. She has a good entry level job with the university in town, which pays about 30,000...