Want to catch a criminal? There's an app for that.

Sep 16, 2013
A new app built by the Homeland Security Investigations unit is designed to catch criminals through crowd sourcing.

Apple launches iPhone trade-in program to shore up sales growth

Sep 9, 2013
Apple wants owners to sell their old iPhones back to the company for a discount on a new phone.

PayPal's updated mobile app changes purchasing experience

Sep 6, 2013
PayPal hopes their new app change will help bolster the company's mobile e-commerce.

Microsoft buys Nokia's devices for $7.2 billion

Sep 3, 2013
The tech giant is paying $ 2.2 billion to license Nokia patents.

Text vs. phone data: Which is more valuable to the government?

Jun 7, 2013
Government tracking of Verizon telephone records raises the question of just how valuable phone information really is. Would it be more useful to track text message records?

How is the government going to find anything in the Verizon phone data?

Jun 6, 2013
Verizon is reportedly handing the National Security Agency data on every customer's calls. So how does the government go about finding needles on the digital haystack?

Dinner time: Surrender your cell phones to dad

May 13, 2013
The story of how one family makes time for each other at dinner in our high tech, interconnected world.

For public good, not for profit.

Media, cell phone companies exploring ways to lower data costs

May 10, 2013
Media companies are considering subsidizing data-plan costs so smartphone users will keep watching video, wireless carriers will keep data revenue, and streaming shows can sell more ads.

Siri, meet your new competitor, Google Now

Apr 30, 2013
Siri has some stiff competition in Google's Google Now, which just hit iPhone.

What to do with an old cell phone: Sell it!

Feb 19, 2013
Consumers are sitting on $33 billion worth of old, unused mobile phones.