California outsources state park management

Jun 22, 2012
California will become the first state to let private companies run its parks.

What went wrong with California's budget

Jun 11, 2012
With California scheduled to vote on a budget this week, the question is: How did the state’s finances get so bad, so quickly? Do other states have to fear the same thing?

Mayor of Stockton tries to avoid city bankruptcy

Jun 5, 2012
The city of Stockton, California, population 291,000 is trying to avoid becoming the biggest U.S. city to go bankrupt during this economic downturn.

Measuring five different Californias

Jun 1, 2012
A demographic survey says, California, like other states, is actually several different voting and demographic units within one. What are the public policy implications of these divisions?

Gov. Jerry Brown: We're going to cut and hopefully tax

May 24, 2012
California Gov. Jerry Brown talks about his plan to balance the state's budget. Currently, California is facing a deficit of close to $16 billion.

California Gov. Brown talks taxes, cuts and economic fairness

May 24, 2012
Like other states across the U.S., California's grappling with a giant budget hole. Gov. Jerry Brown talks about the role of government and the tension between taxing the rich and cutting programs for the poor.

Stockton on the brink

May 18, 2012
The city of Stockton, Calif. has been hit hard by the financial crisis. With the city on the verge of bankruptcy, residents share what it's like when your town is teetering on the brink.

For public good, not for profit.

California budget to benefit from Facebook IPO

May 16, 2012
California Gov. Jerry Brown recently informed Californians that the state was $16 billion in the hole, instead of the mere $9 billion everyone expected. The Facebook IPO will generate a lot of taxable income for a few thousand Californians.

California's budget deficit has risen to $16 billion

May 14, 2012
That's grown from $9.2 billion. The $16 billion is in projected spending, and that would be more than the money that could come in. Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to talk about the details later today.

Herculean effort to fix a city's budget

May 8, 2012
Hercules, Calif. was on the brink of bankruptcy. So the town made major sacrifices to stay solvent.