A blizzard in 1888 created the modern mayor

Jan 22, 2016
The role of mayors drastically changed after a storm in 1888

A blizzard's toll: 30,000 dairy cows

Jan 7, 2016
Storms that flooded Missouri also brought a blizzard to Texas and New Mexico

How do you get rid of 40 inches of snow?

Feb 5, 2015
After a week of record snow fall, Boston is trying to make it disappear.

Aging power grid has more turning to generators

Jan 27, 2015
An estimated 7 percent of new homes come with a backup generator.

Just say no to 'Nemo'

Feb 8, 2013
Why we should boycott 'Nemo' and any other storm name the Weather Channel dreams up.

MIDDAY UPDATE: Frightful weather on the East Coast and post-holiday recycling

Dec 27, 2010
The northeast corridor suffers a post-holiday blizzard, and travelers face canceled flights, trains and roads too dangerous to drive. The cold...

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