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New doc shows our evolving relationship with big data

Feb 24, 2016
It's not all black and white.
A staff member at the Somerset House in London stands in front of an art exhibit themed on big data. Rick Smolan, executive producer of the film "The Human Face of Big Data," says our relationship to data isn't black and white.

First U.S. data chief touts benefits of big data

Nov 12, 2015
DJ Patil was appointed as the White House's first Chief Data Scientist in February.

Big data is following you

Jul 20, 2015
Cookies let retailers compile a dossier on shoppers — and resend the same ads.

What's Salesforce, and how could it be worth $49B?

May 6, 2015
Microsoft is a possible bidder for the "customer relationship management" company.

Why in the world do airlines overbook tickets?

Apr 27, 2015
It's intentional, and not totally evil — it might even be good.
A new study looks at the cost of add-on charges for airlines.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Rise of digital medical records leads to data theft

Apr 6, 2015
The growth of computerized records has led to a higher rate of stolen information.

The data-driven workplace of the future

Mar 3, 2015
Your boss might be monitoring every keystroke you make.

For public good, not for profit.

Closing the gender gap

Dec 15, 2014
Women's global economic and social issues are entering the age of big data.

The Kochs: Big brothers of personal data

Dec 9, 2014
Their new investment could make the Kochs more powerful than the RNC or DNC.

Connecting your online self to your offline self

Nov 28, 2014
Retailers are using what they learn online to sell you stuff in the store.