Fast food just got even faster

Jul 4, 2014
Ordering McDonald's ahead of time? There's now an app for that, too.

Fire Chat is hot app in repressive countries.

Jun 26, 2014
An new app called Firechat lets people ommunicate even when they're offline, allowing them to keep ahead of government censors.

Parking apps under scrutiny from city governments

Jun 25, 2014
The city of San Francisco wants to ban a parking space auction app.

Twitter to list which music is most tweeted about

Mar 27, 2014
After the failure of their music app, Twitter tries to get back in the game.

How to quit a job without talking to your boss

Jan 15, 2014
You decide why you want to quit, an app sends an appropriate text to your boss.

Mobile messaging is more popular than ever. But not TEXT messaging.

Jan 15, 2014
Messaging is driving a huge spike in mobile use. But text messaging has actually decreased. So what gives?

Apps to help keep your New Year's resolutions

Jan 2, 2014
We talk to Whitson Gordon, editor in chief of Lifehacker, about which apps will keep you on track.

For public good, not for profit.

A new app wants to make stock trading free for all

Dec 26, 2013
Robinhood, a new app for smartphones, says its service is about letting everyone fully share in the fruits of capitalism -- which means free stock trades.

Who needs a waiter when you have a smart phone?

Dec 4, 2013
You can now use your smart phone to order and pay at some restaurants.

App focused products reign supreme

Nov 28, 2013
Once again, it's the Year of the Tablet.