Just what we needed. A Wheretheladies.at app

Feb 2, 2011
Sometimes, the ladies just don't want to be found. But, now there's no hiding. Now anyone with an iPhone has a new way to find the ladies....

Apple tightens grip on app store

Feb 1, 2011
Apple has rejected an app from Sony that would simulate Sony's own e-book reader and allow customers to purchase books from Sony from inside the...

IntoNow is Shazam for your TV

Jan 31, 2011
Shazam is the app on your phone that identifies what song you're hearing on the radio and then lets you buy it if you want. IntoNow, which launched...

Facebook offers app developers a choice: "my way" or "highway"

Jan 26, 2011
Facebook is now mandating that all app developers use Facebook's own "credits" system for any purchasing done within an app. So if you want to get...

Google not happy with Android app sales

Jan 26, 2011
The Android platform is growing exponentially, tons of new phones and tablets coming online. Sure, the free apps are popular but, you know, free....

Video is "so 2008"

Jan 24, 2011
Says Will.i.am - who's out with a new app that lets you, among other things, dance with people in a 360-degree music video....

For public good, not for profit.

Angry Birds knocked off the top of the charts by 14-year-old

Jan 18, 2011
The cool thing about app stores is that you don't need to be a big name hotshot brand in order to make a splash. Take for instance, 14-year-old...

The Hold Steady's Craig Finn tells us what's on his phone

Jan 14, 2011
/**/ I'll be perfectly honest here: The Hold Steady is pretty much my favorite band in the world right now. Has been for several years. I tra...

Google Translate

Jan 13, 2011
The tech world is kind of buzzing right now about a Google app available on Android phones. It's the latest version of Google Translate, a program...