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American pollution: Made in China

Jan 21, 2014
There's a hidden cost to buying goods manufactured in China -- pollution in western North America.

China rolls out plan to clean its air - will it work?

Jan 9, 2014
China has some of the worst smog in the world – impacting the lives of more than a billion people as well as the bottom line for the world’s second biggest economy.

A year in China: bad air, bad debt

Dec 30, 2013
This was the year of "forced transparency" in China, exposing bad debt and bad pollution.

Air pollution explainer: What's an externality?

Dec 9, 2013
Pollution isn't free … but who should pay?

When air pollution crosses state lines, which state has to do the cleanup?

Dec 9, 2013
Some governors asked the EPA to rein in polluting states, and EPA is asking the Supreme Court for permission.

Shanghai shut down by toxic cloud

Dec 9, 2013
As some American kids get a snow day, some Chinese students are getting a pollution day today.

In memoriam: The first of many Tennessee Valley Authority coal plants

Nov 18, 2013
The coal-fired plants being retired by the Tennessee Valley Authority are more than 50 years old.

For public good, not for profit.

Coal pollution cuts life expectancy in China

Jul 9, 2013
China's government policy to promote coal use may have cut life expectancy for millions of people by more than five years on average.

Shanghai smog: Life in a polluted city

May 17, 2013
Marketplace's Rob Schmitz tells Kai what it's really like to live in smoggy, hazy Shanghai, masks and all.

China's urban refugees: Leaving pollution, city life behind

Mar 27, 2013
In the midst of a national urbanization campaign, more and more young urban professionals in China are quitting their jobs and starting over in the pollution and stress-free environment of rural mountainous Western China.