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Extreme heat is becoming more common. Should tenants have a right to air conditioning?

Jun 14, 2022
There are many more laws and programs to help low-income people stay warm in the winter than cool in the summer.
Above, temperatures reached 114º F in of El Centro, California on June 12. Much of the South and West have been grappling with a heat wave, underscoring how air conditioning is becoming increasingly necessary.
Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images

Are you for or against air conditioning?

Aug 3, 2012
Listeners told us their passionate opinions on air conditioning.
THE Holy Hand Grenade! / Creative Commons

Why some people have cooled off of air conditioning

Aug 1, 2012
A look at the bigger societal implications of air conditioning and why some Americans are against it.

DIY Energy Audit: Air Leaks

Jul 30, 2010
Air leaks can be expensive (just think of all the heat and air conditioning we send to the great outdoors). But not to fret, the Leak Detective ...