What have you learned from the show?
Sep 3, 2024
Season 10

What have you learned from the show?

Reema Khrais and producer Hayley Hershman reflect on what they've learned in 10 seasons of "This Is Uncomfortable" — and ask for your thoughts too!

We’re preparing for a special anniversary episode to celebrate 10 seasons of “This Is Uncomfortable,” and it wouldn’t be a party without you, our favorite listeners. So please drop us a line and let us know: What have you learned from listening to the show? How has your relationship with work or money changed over the years? Or what has the show made you think more deeply about? We want to hear from you!

Record a voice memo and email it to us at [email protected]. Or you can call and leave us a message at 347-RING-TIU (347-746-4848). Either way, be sure to include your name and where you’re calling from. There’s a good chance we’ll include it on the show this season.

And thanks for listening!

This Is Uncomfortable September 3, 2024 Transcript

Note: Marketplace podcasts are meant to be heard, with emphasis, tone and audio elements a transcript can’t capture. Transcripts are generated using a combination of automated software and human transcribers, and may contain errors. Please check the corresponding audio before quoting. 


Reema: Hey everyone, so is our 10th season of This is Uncomfortable…which is a pretty wild milestone. Like, I truly can’t believe that it’s been five years since we first launched this show. And you know, as we’re working on this new season, we’re trying to take some time to reflect…we’re actually preparing an anniversary episode looking back on some of our favorite moments. And one of the things we’re going to share is a conversation between me and our former producer Hayley Hershman who created the show with me. I wanna play just a snippet of our conversation, a little tease, and then keep listening because I also have a special request for you all. 

Hayley:  So you are Marketplace’s like resident money and feelings expert now, after 10 seasons. [laugh] So I’m curious what you have learned from all of the experts and people you’ve talked with about their relationships with money?

Reema: I think the big takeaway for me is just how little we understand about our relationship with money and how so much of it is driven by our unconscious beliefs. These messages that we internalized when we were younger or, you know, from how we saw our families handle money or how our communities talked about poor people or wealthy people. You know, so much of it informs how we handle money today. And, um, I love the work of Brad Klontz. He’s a therapist who talks a lot about how our beliefs, uh, about money are rooted in childhood. He talks about these four core money beliefs, which are money avoidance, money worship, money status, and money vigilance. The idea being that we all relate to one of these money scripts, or several of them, but that whole arena has really fascinated me.

Hayley: Yeah. Do you feel like your relationship with money has changed? 

Reema: Ugh, I was hoping you wouldn’t ask that question. 

Hayley: How can I not! [laugh]

Reema: I know! Yeah, it has. I still do think I have avoidant tendencies. I’m just, I have language for it, and I have more context. I also think I’m just more open about my financial life in a way that I wasn’t before. I mean, I think there’s this tendency to be polite and diplomatic about certain topics around money, and that just holds us back. So I’m trying to be as transparent as I can with the people in my life.

Hayley: I love that.  


Reema: Okay. So again that’s just a tease…. You’ll hear more of my conversation with Haley later on in this season. But now I’d love to hear it from you. It’s your turn: 

What’s something that you’ve learned from listening to This is Uncomfortable over the years? Or even if you’re a newer listener, let us know… You can tell us how your relationship with money or work has changed, or maybe what the show has made you think more deeply about.

You can record a voice memo and email it to us at [email protected]  Or call and leave us a message at 347-RING-TIU… that’s 347-746-4848. Either way, you’ll want to include your name and where you’re calling from, and there’s a good chance we’ll include it on the show. 

Alright I’m very excited to hear from you all, I can’t wait. And you know, again I just want to say thank you all so much for listening, especially to those of you all who’ve stuck with us throughout the years. I feel like I can’t put into words just how grateful I am that the show exists, that I’ve been able to do this as long as I have been, and you know just that you all listen. It means so much when i hear just how much the stories resonate with you all. And I’m excited to hear your reflections for this anniversary episode. 

So thank you again, and I will catch y’all soon. Okay, bye.

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Zoë Saunders Senior Producer
Alice Wilder Producer
Jasmine Romero Editor

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