Marketplace PM for April 6, 2007
Apr 6, 2007

Marketplace PM for April 6, 2007


Segments From this episode

End of the VOIP line for Vonage?

Apr 6, 2007
A federal judge says the pioneering company that connects cheap phone calls over the Internet can't sign up new customers while it appeals a ruling that it stole ideas from wireless giant Verizon.

Fisk U.'s future could hang on O'Keeffe art sale

Apr 6, 2007
A traditionally black college, whose endowment has been cut in half over the past decade, could be saved by a $7 million sale of a Georgia O'Keeffe painting. But a judge has put the brakes on the deal.

Women shorted by 'consumer-directed' health plans

Apr 6, 2007
So-called consumer-directed health care plans are touted as an easy way to cut costs for employers. But the high deductible options hit female employees the hardest, because they have more health care needs.

The Week on Wall Street

Apr 6, 2007
Kai Ryssdal discusses the week that was on Wall Street with stock broker and business analyst David Johnson.

Lying is essential to doing business

Apr 6, 2007
Financial Times columnist Lucy Kellaway is OK with lying on the job. In fact, she believes the corporate world can't function without little white lies to get through the day.

Poor first to feel global warming's effects

Apr 6, 2007
A U.N. report warns poor countries will be hit hardest with famine, fresh water shortages, and coastal flooding unless global warming is slowed. Solving the problem will require a huge infusion of cash from Western nations.

OMB tracking billions in pork-project earmarks

Apr 6, 2007
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget now has an online database of more than 13,000 congressional earmarks from the 2005 budget — $19 billion worth of pork benefitting some big companies.

Young black men dropping out of 'job culture'

Apr 6, 2007
The unemployment rate for black men in America over 20 years old stands at 9 percent. But some consider that figure a lowball estimate.