Dropping the "Donuts" from its name could be pretty expensive for Dunkin'. The chain is revamping its menu and adding fancy drinks to compete with Starbucks, and that means outfitting stores and retraining thousands of employees. Then: Eighty percent of voters think that it should be illegal to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. Candidates on both sides of the aisle have taken note, and we'll look at how that's reshaping midterms. Plus, we'll do the numbers on a rough day for Wall Street.
Dropping the “Donuts” from its name could be pretty expensive for Dunkin’. The chain is revamping its menu and adding fancy drinks to compete with Starbucks, and that means outfitting stores and retraining thousands of employees. Then: Eighty percent of voters think that it should be illegal to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. Candidates on both sides of the aisle have taken note, and we’ll look at how that’s reshaping midterms. Plus, we’ll do the numbers on a rough day for Wall Street.