Segments From this episode

Guilty of backdating

Oct 25, 2006
Federal investigators got their first guilty plea in the stock options backdating scandal. The outcome could give executives at the other 140 companies involved even more to worry about. Bob Moon reports.

Banning cars on 42nd Street

Oct 25, 2006
A new report calls for making New York's famed 42nd Street thoroughfare a pedestrian-friendly mall by banning cars and adding a light-rail system. It could be a huge boon for businesses there, Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Sour grapes in Chile

Oct 25, 2006
Chile is in a furor over Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's recent push for California produce. Schwarzenegger's office says it's a misunderstanding. Dan Grech unpacks the story.

Putting cotton back on the table

Oct 25, 2006
The Doha Round of global trade talks might be dead, but some countries are still looking for ways to level the playing field. Today, U.S. and African officials meet to talk about cotton subsidies. Scott Tong reports.

Is that California cheese?

Oct 25, 2006
Move over Wisconsin. The Golden State is on pace to become the nation's No. 1 cheese maker. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Don't vote for 'Death of a President'

Oct 25, 2006
Commentator Robert Reich takes issue with the fictionalized account of the assassination of President Bush in the film opening this weekend. He says theatergoers should send a message to movie houses — by staying home.

Vietnam opening for trade

Oct 25, 2006
It's taken more than a decade, but it looks like Vietnam finally gets to join the World Trade Organization. And that could be very good for some American businesses. Miranda Kennedy explains.

British extradition treaty here to stay

Oct 25, 2006
Many in Britain oppose the fast-track extradition treaty with the U.S. that so far has been used to go after more white collar criminals than terrorists, but Parliament just voted to reinforce the treaty. Stephen Beard reports.

<a href=>Infrastructure nightmare</a>

Oct 25, 2006
Alaska's network of roads, runways and bridges are proving that man's infrastructure is no match for a warming climate. And scientists say the worst is yet to come. Sam Eaton reports.