Segments From this episode

Gulf Coast rebuilding

Feb 15, 2006
While a Senate committee prepares for hearings today into how to rebuild the Gulf Coast, commentator Robert Reich argues that the government needs to lend a helping hand, not a bailout.

Markets to watch Bernanke testimony closely

Feb 15, 2006
The new Fed Chief comes before the House Financial Services Committee today for a report on the state of the Federal Reserve. Eric Niiler reports that the financial markets are going to hang on every word.

Labor's new strategy

Feb 15, 2006
Today, breakaway AFL-CIO members will offer their new strategy for countering the erosion of the union movement. Hillary Wicai reports.

FBI searches foreign cargo terminals

Feb 15, 2006
Just a day after the World Trade Organization gave the European Union a green light to impose sanctions on some US exports, FBI agents searched the Chicago cargo terminals of two foreign airlines on grounds of possible "anti-competitive" behavior. Stacey Vanek-Smith has more.