Tony Wagner

Newsletter Editor


Tony Wagner is Marketplace's newsletter editor. He writes the daily email newsletter and edits several others, including Marketplace's Crash Courses.

Previously he was a digital producer who helped launch “Make Me Smart,” “The Uncertain Hour” and “This Is Uncomfortable.” After eight years at Marketplace headquarters in LA, he recently relocated to Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Latest Stories (427)

Cell carriers are getting creative with phone plans

Sep 10, 2014
They're clamoring to buy your old iPhone and sell you a new one at a deep discount.

The numbers for September 10, 2014

Sep 10, 2014
As Obama preps for action in Syria, here are the numbers we're watching.

Some websites are slowing down today to make a point

Sep 10, 2014
Many websites are simulating slowdowns on Wednesday to advocate for net neutrality.

The numbers for September 9, 2014

Sep 9, 2014
Yes, there's a new iPhone coming. Here are five more numbers to keep an eye on today.

ABC is betting big on Shonda Rhimes

Sep 4, 2014
The network is promoting the showrunner as a star in her own right.

What is 4chan?

Sep 2, 2014
4chan is an anarchic website where anonymity plays out in several directions.

D'oh! FXX will air 552 episodes of The Simpsons

Aug 20, 2014
Yes, the FXX will air every episode of the longest running show in TV history.

The cost of travel, according to the federal government

Aug 18, 2014
Some hotels set their rates based on the federal standard.

What's a viral cause worth?

Aug 13, 2014
Social media stunts for charity aren't uncommon, but do they raise any money?