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Tamara Keith

Latest Stories (58)

Study could curb executive bonuses

Sep 21, 2009
A coalition of corporations and investors want to change the way executives are paid. The idea would be to reduce short-term financial incentives so executives would focus on long-term results and tie pay to performance. Tamara Keith reports.

How Baucus's plan will help uninsured

Sep 16, 2009
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus released his plan to overhaul the health system. Tamara Keith reports on what the plan means for people who don't have insurance and the businesses that employ them.

Health care plans may be too expensive

Sep 15, 2009
When it comes to health care, one thing almost everybody agrees on is that everyone should have insurance. But getting there is the problem. Tamara Keith reports.

Insurance: Not offered or not affordable

Sep 15, 2009
More than 46 million people in this country can't qualify for health insurance, can't afford it or both. Tamara Keith reports in our latest installment of "The Cure" (for charts detailing who's uninsured, click the "View Slideshow" link).

Inspecting Obama's health care claims

Sep 10, 2009
In his prime-time speech, President Obama said fixing health care would cost $900 billion over the next decade and help millions of uninsured people get coverage. Tamara Keith checks out a few of his claims.

Obama to push public health-care plan

Sep 9, 2009
In his prime-time address to Congress this evening, President Barack Obama will lay out his plan for overhauling the health-care system. And he hasn't given up on the public option. Tamara Keith has a preview.

Workers spend stimulus cash on break

Sep 8, 2009
The first road project funded by the stimulus package is almost complete, and workers have been putting in overtime all summer. For some, that meant a vacation with healthy spending. Tamara Keith reports.

Weighty items on lawmakers' agenda

Sep 8, 2009
Health care isn't the only item lawmakers have to tackle. Tamara Keith reports that Congress' to-do list also includes climate legislation and reforming the financial regulatory system.

Health care a top priority for unions

Sep 7, 2009
President Obama is speaking to the AFL-CIO today in Cincinnati, Ohio, addressing labor unions and health care. Thousands of union members are rallying as health care becomes a more critical issue. Tamara Keith reports.

Off-label marketing costs Pfizer

Sep 2, 2009
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer will pay $2.3 billion to settle charges that it illegally promoted pills for uses not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Tamara Keith reports on the down sides to off-label marketing.