Maria Hollenhorst



Maria Hollenhorst is based in Los Angeles, California.

She produces content for Marketplace’s flagship broadcast including host interviews, economic explainers, and personal stories for the “Adventures in Housing” and “My Economy” series. Her work has been recognized by the Association for Business Journalists Best in Business Awards.

When not making radio, she can be found hiking, skiing, jogging, roller-blading, or exploring this beautiful world. Originally from Salt Lake City, Utah, she wound her way into journalism after graduating from the University of Utah. She has a deep appreciation for trees.

Latest Stories (410)

The history of “too big to fail”

Apr 13, 2023
In the wake of the Silicon Valley Bank debacle, the 1984 failure of Continental Illinois remains relevant.
The head offices of Bear Stearns, left, and JPMorgan Chase in New York in March 2008. After Bear went bust, JPM acquired its remains for a small sum.
Don Emmert/AFP via Getty Images

Why “aging in place” is a growth industry

Apr 10, 2023
As members of the baby boom generation approach or reach their elderly years, more homes will need to be modified to accommodate them.
By 2030, every baby boomer will be at least 65 years old. That's likely to drive demand for certified aging in place specialists and products to support seniors' needs.
Damien Meyer/AFP via Getty Images

How one neighbor’s move helped another’s business dream come true

Apr 5, 2023
When Bonnie Rough’s beloved next-door neighbors moved away, they created space for her to launch a short-term rental business.
Bonnie Rough, a writer and urban farmer, with an armful of Stuttgarter onions she grew in summer 2020.
Courtesy Bonnie Rough

How 3D printing could revolutionize auto manufacturing

Mar 27, 2023
Kevin Czinger, of Czinger Vehicles and Divergent Technologies, envisions flexible, local factories that are fixtures in their communities.
Kevin Czinger, the founder and CEO of Divergent Technologies, poses with the Czinger 21C at Czinger’s production facility in Torrance, California.
Maria Hollenhorst/Marketplace

With modern chatbots, AI weirdness reaches new heights

Mar 23, 2023
Artificial intelligence researcher and blogger Janelle Shane explains modern chatbot behavior.
AI researcher and blogger Janelle Shane tried to convince ChatGPT to impersonate a squirrel. The results revealed some bugs in AI chatbots.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

How hides, tallow and rosin can help us understand where the economy is headed

Mar 14, 2023
An explanation of the CRB raw industrials spot price index, a “predictor” of macroeconomic trends.
Tannery students process the washed rawhide of a cow. Today, animal hides are used in the production of some food products, like wine.
Andreas Rentz/Getty Images

Holding excess inventory keeps getting pricier for this manufacturer

As the global supply chain smooths out its kinks, warehouse costs are top of mind for the Legacy Companies.
For large manufacturers, storing excess inventory means paying growing warehouse fees.
Chip Somodevilla via Getty Images

Can you build a sustainable federal budget?

Mar 8, 2023
"The Fiscal Ship” game demonstrates public policy trade-offs that go into government budgeting.
The home page for "The Fiscal Ship," a game meant to help players better understand federal budget tradeoffs.
Screen capture taken March 7, 2023

This Florida woman used move-in deals to help save up for a house

Mar 1, 2023
Errica Jamil moved seven times in about as many years, earning her free or reduced rent. Now she owns a home of her own.
Chasing move-in specials every year eventually helped Errica Jamil buy a home of her own.
Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

Life on the road (with five kids in tow)

Feb 27, 2023
The family of seven left California with a modified travel trailer. Eventually, they found their way home.
Brian and Shannon Ostrovsky spent 27 months traveling around the country with their five children.
Courtesy the Ostrovskys