Eve Troeh

Latest Stories (387)

Google shares drop as declining ad prices hit profits

Oct 18, 2012
Google's quarterly earnings report was mistakenly released while markets were open, instead of after. A 20 percent drop in profits, as prices of online and mobile ads decline, sent shares down immediately.

Lance Armstrong's foundation can go on without him

Oct 17, 2012
The Lance Armstrong Foundation has rebranded itself as Livestrong, so the cyclist's doping scandal may well have little if any effect on the organization he founded to help cancer patients.

Obama-backed battery maker goes bankrupt

Oct 17, 2012
Mitt Romney claims battery maker A123's bankruptcy is another example of Obama's bad record of picking winners, but has the administration really performed as poorly as the GOP says?

California climate change law faces legal test

Oct 16, 2012
Today a 9th Circuit court in San Francisco hears arguments on the legality of California's, first in the nation, low carbon regulation for transport fuel. The case may determine whether California becomes the U.S. leader in climate litigation.

Pennsylvania allows fracking on public college campuses

Oct 12, 2012
Pennsylvania's state colleges have been hit hard by budget cuts. Now the state is allowing natural-gas drilling on campuses to raise money for the system.

Rising milk prices affect foods from pizza to nachos

Oct 10, 2012
Many dairy farmers culled their herds because of high feed prices caused by the drought, reducing the supply of milk. Price increases will flow through many food products beyond a carton of milk.

Report: Iraq could double its oil production

Oct 9, 2012
Higher production could make Iraq the world's second-largest oil exporter. Most of the added oil won't go to the U.S., but to countries helping Iraq rebuild its oil facilities and basic infrastructure.

What California can do about record gas prices

Oct 8, 2012
Not much short of encouraging an oil company to build new refineries. Tough state regulation of auto pollution cuts off California from sources of gas outside the state.

Breaking down Obama's '$90 billion' green investment

Oct 4, 2012
In last night's debate, Mitt Romney said the president gave $90 billion to the green energy world. That $90 billion number? That's right, sort of.

T-Mobile and MetroPCS announce merger

Oct 3, 2012
Today T-Mobile and MetroPCS announced a merger, uniting them as the fourth largest wireless carrier in the U.S. The cellphone companies will cater to customers seeking low monthly payments, a rapidly growing mobile segment.