David Brancaccio

Host and Senior Editor, Marketplace Morning Report


David Brancaccio is host and senior editor of “Marketplace Morning Report.” There is a money story under nearly everything, but David often focuses on regulation of financial markets, the role of technology in labor markets, the history of innovation, digital privacy, sustainability, social enterprises and financial vulnerability in older adults. David freelanced for Marketplace in 1989 before becoming the program’s European correspondent based in London in 1990.

David hosted the evening program from 1993-2003, then anchored the award-winning public television news program “Now” on PBS after a period co-hosting with journalist Bill Moyers. David has co-produced and appeared in several documentaries, including “Fixing the Future,” about alternative approaches to the economy, and “On Thin Ice,” about climate change and water security, with mountaineer Conrad Anker. David is author of “Squandering Aimlessly,” a book about personal values and money. He enjoys moderating public policy discussions, including at the Aspen Ideas Festival, Chicago Ideas Week and the Camden Conference in Maine.

David is from Waterville, Maine, and has degrees from Wesleyan and Stanford universities. Honors include the Peabody, Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University, Emmy and Walter Cronkite awards. He is married to Mary Brancaccio, a poet and educator. They have three offspring, all adults. He likes making beer and building (and launching) pretty big rockets. Among his heroes are Edward R. Murrow and Wolfman Jack.

Latest Stories (2,910)

The costs of Arab economic security

Jun 22, 2011
For citizens of the UAE, most of life -- economics, social status -- is taken of. But there are hidden costs.

My Visit to Another Planet

Jun 22, 2011
As a kid during the Apollo project, I very much wanted to walk on the moon, or even better, another planet some day. I seem to have just missed N...

Housing crisis in Egypt

Jun 21, 2011
Creating a better economic future for Egypt means dealing with the lack of housing in Cairo.

An oasis of sustainability

Jun 21, 2011
The United Arab Emirates -- home to oil wells and air conditioners -- decided to build the world's most sustainable city. Then the financial crisis hit.

Creating jobs in Egypt

Jun 20, 2011
In Egypt, a better economic future has to mean somehow getting jobs for vast numbers of people, but doing that requires a way out of what you might call "The Maze."

Getting unions to work in Egypt

Jun 20, 2011
In Egypt, unions played a key role in driving out the old guard. But the labor movement going forward is having trouble flexing its muscle.

Unlocking Egypt's Economic Future

May 25, 2011
Over the next month, while David Brancaccio is doing stories from Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, the Economy 4.0 blog will be looking at the...

Et tu, OECD?

May 24, 2011
You would have thought the venerable promoters of the global economy at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development would have been...

New government unit may predict financial storms

May 19, 2011
The Office for Financial Research, or OFR, is a new government outfit that aims to forecast financial storms before they happen.

George Soros: What if the world isn't worth saving?

Apr 12, 2011
In historic Bretton Woods, N.H., the world's financial rock stars gathered once again to save the world. Only this time, they wonder if it's all worth it.