Chris Farrell

Economics Editor


Chris Farrell is economics editor of Marketplace Money, a nationally syndicated one-hour weekly personal finance show produced by American Public Media. Chris is also economics correspondent for Marketplace, the largest business program in broadcasting and chief economics correspondent for American RadioWorks, the largest producer of long-form documentaries in public radio. He is also contributing economics editor at Business Week magazine. He was host and executive editor of public television’s Right on the Money. He is the author of two books: Right on the Money: Taking Control of Your Personal Finances, and Deflation: What Happens When Prices Fall. Chris is a graduate of Stanford and the London School of Economics.

Latest Stories (2,395)

Save for Retirement or Pay Down Mortgage Fast

Mar 30, 2007
It's a question we get all the time on Marketplace Money: Should I save for my retirement or accelerate payments on my mortgage? The way the...

Indexing All the Time

Mar 27, 2007
Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) is hardly a household name, Which isn't surprising since until recently it focused on institutional investors (like...

Are We Saving Enough for Retirement?

Mar 27, 2007
Thanks to aging boomers, the word retirement seems synonymous with disaster. Almost every week some survey or another crosses my desk (usually paid...

Long-Term Care Insurance--Not

Mar 26, 2007
Demographics may not be destiny, but America is getting older and an aging population will need plenty of long-term care. The cost of a nursing...

Housing Prices Heading Lower

Mar 25, 2007
John Maudlin, the investor and newsletter writer, has a good post on the woes in the sub-prime mortgage market at

Pimco on Sub-Prime

Mar 22, 2007
Paul McCulley, managing director at the giant money management company Pimco, writes an astute newsletter on Fed policy at (Bill...

Watch Out for High Fees

Mar 21, 2007
At the American Economics Association's annual meeting in January of this year, one of the sessions I attended was Hedge Funds: Performance and...

Predatory lending

Mar 19, 2007
On March 17 I flew from New York to the Twin Cities. On the plane I read the New York Times and I noticed an intriguing juxtaposition of headlines....

The Subprime Market Concern Overblown

Mar 16, 2007
The subprime market is imploding. Home foreclosures are surging. Millions of new homeowners could be thrown out on the street. So, it's hardly...

Straight Story: For your eyes only

Sep 15, 2006
It's time once again for economics editor Chris Farrell to help you sort out what's smart, what's stupid and what's the Straight Story. This week, Chris makes a very public argument about the loss of privacy.