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Day in the Work Life: Jingle writer

Jun 16, 2006
On this week's A Day In the Work Life, our look at how folks trade their time for money, we pause for a commercial break with a jingle writer.

Buzzword: Correction

Jun 16, 2006
Life is hard enough without having to decipher everything. Each week, Marketplace Money brings you a word or a phrase that has bubbled to the top of the news. For instance, correction. You hear it, you see it, but do you really know it?

Money Matters: A tale of jobs

Jun 16, 2006
You want to work. But you don't really want to work. Author Stanley Bing takes Kai inside the world of jobs that pay a lot but ask very little.

Every step you take

Jun 16, 2006
Don't think the "do not disturb" sign on your hotel room will allow you privacy. These days, hotels and retailers have found a new way to keep tabs on what you're doing. Chief Brand strategist, Eli Portnoy, takes Kai inside the new frontier of customer data collection.

Net neutrality

Jun 16, 2006
Companies, take your corners. Phone and cable businesses on one side. Internet firms on the other. And consumers are in the middle of a fight over how the internet should be run. Kai speaks to CNET's Declan McCullagh.

Wealthy and worried

Jun 16, 2006
There comes a time when parents can't avoid the topic anymore. Kids, we're rich. Marketplace's Sean Cole reports on how wealthy families handle the "money talk."

Inflating inflation

Jun 16, 2006
The Fed is allergic to inflation. But is inflation really in the air? And how can it irritate your family budget? Scott Tong finds out.

For public good, not for profit.

In an investment club with personality?

Jun 16, 2006
Ever get together with friends, have a glass of wine and beat the pants off the S&P 500? If you're an active member of an investment club and you're not shy, then you and your club members might be perfect for a new segment on Marketplace Money.

New bank on the block

Jun 16, 2006
A new investment bank opened in New York Thursday, a boutique firm catering to wealthy investors and companies. If it sparks a trader exodus, does the common investor go to the back of the line? Ethan Lindsey reports.

Whaling ban in danger

Jun 16, 2006
The International Whaling Commission meets today, and as Amy Scott reports, changes on the panel could roll back the clock on whaling restrictions.