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From This Collection

Oil prices scrape bottom of the barrel

Dec 18, 2014
Most of the cost of oil can be attributed to exploration, drilling and pumping.

Where is your extra gas money going?

Dec 16, 2014
Americans are saving a buck a gallon on gas, giving them much greater spending power.

Where the surplus oil goes

Dec 12, 2014
Basically, anywhere and everywhere it can be stored.

An oversupply of oil isn't all good

Dec 9, 2014
Too much oil means prices fall, but also oil companies cutting back.

Why falling gas prices help low-income workers more

Nov 14, 2014
Poorer people spend much more of their income on commuting.
A man prepares to pump gas as a customer counts his money.
(Gabe Souza/Portland Press Herald/Getty Images)

One fracking minute: an animated explainer on hydraulic fracturing

Dec 7, 2012
There's an oil and gas boom in North America thanks to an innovation known as hydraulic fracturing that extracts natural gas and oil from shale rock deep underground. Here's how it works.