From This Collection

Fixing our schools in a weak economy

Jan 22, 2009
High on President Obama's agenda is reforming our nation's schools. Kai Ryssdal speaks with author Susan Eaton about the problems with our schools and what can be done to fix them in our economic state.

What is 'creative capitalism?'

Jan 21, 2009
At 2008's World Economic Forum, Bill Gates challenged corporations to engage in 'creative capitalism,' or be more socially responsible. Kai Ryssdal speaks with journalist Michael Kinsley about what that entails.

Before Madoff, there was Krueger

Jan 8, 2009
The best way to avoid getting scammed is to learn from history. Dr. Chris McKenna, who's writing a book on schemers, tells Steve Chiotakis about one particularly bad scammer who affected the world economy in the 1920's.

A look inside Countrywide

Jan 6, 2009
Countrywide Financial is arguably the company at the heart of the mortgage financial crisis. Kai Ryssdal speaks with Countrywide's former Senior Vice President of Marketing Adam Michaelson about his experiences at the company.

Learning to believe in banks

Dec 26, 2008
Earlier this year, Tess Vigeland spoke with author Margaret Atwood about the importance of trust in keeping the banking system working properly. In this extended interview, she explores whether we will learn from our past credit mistakes.
Author Margaret Atwood

Fruit company grew power, problems

Aug 25, 2008
Trouble's not new to Caribbean banana growers. Author Peter Chapman chronicles the rise and fall of the company at the center of a lot of that trouble, the United Fruit Company, in his book, "Bananas!" He talks with Kai Ryssdal.

Exploring an era of oil extremes

Aug 6, 2008
The price of crude has reached record per barrel highs just to make sudden startling drops. Stacey Vanek-Smith talks these market extremes with Raymond Learsy, who's written a book about oil and its trends.
An offshore oil platform
Marcel Mochet/AFP/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

How Gen X handles a rough economy

Aug 1, 2008
Influenced by the sudden downturn in the 90's, Generation X'ers are notorious for their "slacker chic." Stacey Vanek-Smith talks to Lisa Chamberlain, author of "Slackonomics," which covers Gen X and their take on economy.
Bungee jumper from the cover of "Slackonomics"

Glazing over the donut economy

Jul 30, 2008
Whether you crave one that's glazed, cream-filled or you can't stand them at all, donuts tend to come out on top in a down economy. Scott Jagow talks about a sweet world with Paul Mullins, who wrote a book on donuts.

The family feud that changed sports

Jun 13, 2008
The Puma shoe brand was born when the brothers who founded Adidas split in a dispute that divided their family. Kai Ryssdal talks with "Sneaker Wars" author Barbara Smit about how the family feud behind the two powerhouses shaped the face of global sports.