Liz Weston - Personal finance expert

Latest Stories (3)

Financial Feud: Paying for daycare vs. Quitting to care for a kid

Kyle wants to quit her job so she can stay home with her daughter and stop paying for daycare. Her husband says they need her paycheck to pay the bills. Whose side are you on?

Financial Feud: Earn reward miles vs. Avoid the bills

What do you think of airline credit cards: a great way to earn miles or a pain in the neck? Our experts help a listener named Debbie resolve the financial feud she's been having with her husband. See what they say and weigh in.

Financial Feud: Spending windfall vs. Investing it

Glen and his bride-to-be once fought over what to do with a $10,000 insurance windfall. He wanted to blow the money on a $10,000 bike, she wanted to invest it. Whose side are you on?