EU investigating Google for anti-trust

Nov 30, 2010
Google just can't seem to please Europe. If it's not Street View, it's anti-competitive practices. The European Union announced that it's...

China was behind Google attacks, say Wikileaks leaks

Nov 29, 2010
251,287 US diplomatic cables were leaked in the latest round of Wikileaks documents and some of them point to China's politburo as being behind...

Houses blurred by Google Street View in Germany get egged

Nov 23, 2010
Our pal and frequent guest on the show Danny Sullivan brought this story to our attention today. In Germany, you can choose to opt out of Google...

Oh and also scientists may have begun to unlock the secrets of the formation of the universe

Nov 19, 2010
Not as important as a new iPad, I know, but we do what we can. Scientists at Cern, the nuclear research facility in Europe, are the first to have...

New research on Stuxnet shows it was likely meant to disrupt nuclear facility

Nov 16, 2010
In an updated version of its analysis of the Stuxnet worm that caused major problems for Iran's nuclear plant earlier this year, Symantec finds...

Nicaragua invades Costa Rica after error on Google Maps

Nov 5, 2010
Apparently the way Google Maps draws one particular section of the border between the two countries is off by about 3000 meters, showing it to be...

For public good, not for profit.

Turkey has YouTube once again

Nov 2, 2010
Here's a story about the thorny relationship between closed societies and the open internet. People in the nation of Turkey once again have access...

Mt. Everest now wired

Oct 29, 2010
Engineers have installed a 3G base station at the 5200 meter mark of Mt. Everest, giving the mountain complete coverage, even at the summit of 8848...