PSP Go goes

Apr 21, 2011
Sony says its ending production of the PSP Go. It was a weird device from the start, the PSP Go. It's a handheld game player from Sony, the...

Episode two of Mortal Kombat web series posted

Apr 19, 2011
There's a new hit TV show. On YouTube. It's a reboot of the Mortal Kombat property (originally a video game, later some movies, probably a...

Wii 2 on the way

Apr 15, 2011
A ton of sites are citing multiple sources as saying that the next edition of the Wii is on the way and will be announced at this summer's E3 gami...

Is this art? The Smithsonian gets into gaming

Feb 22, 2011
Beginning March 16, 2012, The Smithsonian Institute will celebrate the art of video games. The exhibit at the Smithsonian American Art Museum wil...

Kinect spells 'Red Ring of Death' for some older-model Xbox 360 users

Jan 6, 2011
Kinect, the new controller-free motion gaming system for Xbox 360, lures some of its owners into the Red Ring of Death. And as the name suggests,...

MIDDAY UPDATE: Sustainability and Cyber-Monday

Nov 29, 2010
Today is "Cyber-Moday," Black Friday for e-tailers. It is statistically the least productive work day, because employees log onto super sales to...

MID-DAY UPDATE: BP wears black, GM's IPO and video games in the Supreme Court.

Nov 2, 2010
General Motors expects to raise $10 billion, from an initial public offer, which would allow it to partially repay taxpayers. Our analysts examine...

For public good, not for profit.

Grandma's a gamer

Aug 10, 2010
Turns out the demographic group that plays the most online video games is women 55 and over. 

Eyeball video game controls. For when any kind of motion is simply too taxing.

Aug 4, 2010
Microsoft's Kinect system is coming soon. It'll be great for when you simply can't be bothered to use a controller. But what if physical movement...

Tron and Meta-Tron

Jul 19, 2010
I see where there's a new Tron game for the iPhone. I am totally going to download it and play it. There is no way I won't. Not because it's free,...