Alarms raised over treatment of maids, domestic workers

Jan 9, 2013
The International Labor Organization, a United Nations agency, raised concerns about the legal protections that domestic workers get.

North Korea rocket launch angers international community

Dec 12, 2012
North Korea defies international sanctions to launch a rocket. Japan has called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, which could take place later today.

At U.N. climate meeting, a focus on fossil fuels

Dec 3, 2012
New sources of fossil fuels are stirring up the United Nations climate talks in Doha.

Online world anxious over new U.N. regulations

Dec 3, 2012
Heavy hitters in the online world worry that U.N. regulation could stifle the Internet's future.

Texting turns 20, U.N. group begins talks over Internet control

Dec 3, 2012
Celebrating the text message as the technology turns twenty, and waiting on results from a UN summit on controlling the Internet.

As U.N. meets on climate, U.S. blocks a European law

Nov 30, 2012
President Obama signed a bill this week protecting U.S. airlines from an emission tax when they fly in and out of Europe. The EU's carbon tax is so unpopular, it's been suspended for all carriers for a year.

For public good, not for profit.

U.N.: Ease ethanol production to aid global food problem

Aug 10, 2012
The U.S. drought is fueling a corn shortage that's driving up prices around the globe. And yet, federal support for corn ethanol -- a fuel additive -- means some 40 percent of U.S. corn will be turned into ethanol this year.

U.N. warns of possible food crisis

Aug 9, 2012
The world could face the worst food crisis in five years if countries like the U.S. start restricting exports of agricultural products. That's according to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization, which says bad weather is causing a spike in global food prices that could be made worse if countries stockpile.

How economic sanctions affect Syria

Jul 19, 2012
At the UN today, the Security Council is expected to vote today on economic sanctions against Syria, in an effort to help end the 16 month conflict between the government of Bashar Al-Assad and rebel forces. But will more economic sanctions work?