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Could crowdsourcing talent online create jobs?

Oct 3, 2012
Is crowdsourcing talent online the job marketplace of the future, and if so, will we get paid enough?

How tech is changing the debate

Oct 3, 2012
Most people watching the first big presidential debate will do so on television, but for a fast-increasing number, it's far from the only primary source.

FreedomPop launches free WiFi beta, and "transient electronics"

Oct 1, 2012
A new service called FreedomPop hopes to go up against AT&T and Verizon, and a new kind of dissolve-able circuit that could change the field of medicine.

A spike in government surveillance, and wine sales on Amazon

Oct 1, 2012
A new report says the U.S. Justice Department allowed law enforcement agencies to examine more private data in 2010-2011 than in the entire previous decade. And Amazon is planning online wine sales.

Instagram beats Twitter in user engagement

Sep 27, 2012
Twitter had more active users in August, and the world is getting more freelancers working online all the time.

Additive Manufacturing: The U.S. Government's Hopes for 3D Printing

Sep 27, 2012
The Obama Administration hopes to put $1 billion towards the future of manufacturing, with an emphasis on areas like 3D printing -- which is gaining more traction in the medical industry.

Myspace: Will a redesign resurrect the site?

Sep 25, 2012
Myspace has a slick new look, according to a new promotional video--but can that bring it back to its former social media glory?

For public good, not for profit.

Google Projected to Beat Facebook in Display Ads, and Why the Tech Giant is in New York

Sep 21, 2012
You know those online display ads that seem to know where you've shopped on the web recently? Facebook had been making the most money on them, but new forecasts suggest Google will earn the most revenue from display ads this year.

A Law Protecting Teachers from Cyber Bullying, and New York City's Hottest Tech Ticket

Sep 19, 2012
North Carolina is taking a hard line against kids who bully teachers online. And every month New York Tech Meetup sells out in just four minutes...and the theater's a big one at NYU. Venture capitalists are here along with engineers, designers, and start ups both theoretical and already online.

Exploring New York's Tech Ecosystem

Sep 18, 2012
Where is the New York tech scene, and what does it feel like? One way to find out is to take a tour.