Can we get that shaving deduction?

Apr 9, 2007
From beard taxes to yachts, history teaches that you never can tell how people will respond when you find a new way to tax them. Except that some of them will find some way to avoid paying it.

A very taxing family

Apr 6, 2007
It's a family business that only Uncle Sam could love. Ashley Milne-Tyte takes us to Queens, New York, where three generations of tax accountants prepare for April under the same roof.

What's the alternative to the AMT?

Mar 21, 2007
Lawmakers meet on Capitol Hill on Thursday to search for an alternative to the alternative minimum tax. Getting rid of it won't be easy. The federal treasury depends on it. Bob Moon reports.

Congress wants a look under the couch cushions

Mar 20, 2007
IRS Commissioner Mark Everson went to Capitol Hill today to explain what the IRS is doing to collect more than <nobr>$345 billion</nobr> that taxpayers owe but it can't seem to find. Hillary Wicai reports.

Putting a price on foreign investment

Mar 16, 2007
China has a new corporate tax law for foreigners who want to do business there. Scott Tong went to Hunan Province, where business people say it's about time.

Alternative minimum tax = maximum headache

Mar 2, 2007
The AMT is becoming a dirty word in the tax code. This year, more Americans will face the alternative minimum tax. Bob Moon reports.

Self-filers beware: 1040s missing deductions

Feb 22, 2007
Billions of dollars in tax deductions may slip by filers this year because of a few omitted lines on 2006 tax forms. They were already at the printers by the time Congress extended the missing deductions.

For public good, not for profit.

A healthy correlation with taxes

Feb 22, 2007
A new study finds that high taxes and good health go together. Researchers say states with higher taxes spend more money on social programs which ultimately leads to healthier kids.

eBay resists taxing new responsibility

Feb 20, 2007
Lots of folks are making money on eBay these days, and not all of them are paying taxes on that income. The government wants eBay to report high-volume sellers to the IRS, but the online auction site says that's not fair.

Closing the tax gap

Feb 16, 2007
The IRS wants to fix the tax gap. Going after uncollected tax revenue could mean more individual audits. John Dimsdale reports.