Kevin Roose tries living surveillance-free for a day

Jul 29, 2013
New York Magazine writer Kevin Roose spent a day trying to live completely surveillance-free.

A tale of two hacking conferences: Black Hat vs. Defcon

Jul 29, 2013
The biggest difference between the two? This year Defcon organizers disinvited the Feds in the wake of NSA surveillance revelations. While Black Hat's keynote speaker will be none other than NSA Director General Keith Alexander.

NSA surveillance survives House vote

Jul 25, 2013
The House narrowly defeated an amendment that would have ended funding for mass collection of phone records and other data by the NSA.

Could retail tracking lead to customer discrimination?

Jul 19, 2013
Retail stores have moved beyond Internet cookies to physical tracking, what's the big deal?

ACLU warns of license plate tracking

Jul 19, 2013
The American Civil Liberties Union says it has found another instance of Americans being tracked by the government. Not online, but on the road through license plate tracking.

The economics of Edward Snowden's asylum countries

Jul 11, 2013
Edward Snowden is likely headed to Latin America, where several countries have offered him asylum. What is the economic situation in each of these countries?

Tracking my package: A whole new meaning

Jul 3, 2013
All police have to do is ask, and the post office will tell them what kind of mail you've been receiving.

For public good, not for profit.

EU to U.S.: Stop bugging us

Jul 1, 2013
A multi-billion dollar free trade deal between the U.S. and Europe could be in jeopardy following the latest U.S. spying revelations.

Encryption apps enter the mainstream

Jul 1, 2013
For the most part, strong encryption technology of our e-mails, texts, and phone calls has been the domain of the powerful and the paranoid. But that's starting to change.

What's the point of a drone debate if the FBI already uses them?

Jun 20, 2013
FBI Director Robert Mueller says the FBI uses drones domestically, though rarely. He is calling for more discussion on drone use, while the FBI proceeds.