AT&T - T-Mobile deal comes down to jobs, both sides say

Nov 9, 2011
Politico reports on a flurry of activity this week related to the proposed gobbling up of T-Mobile by AT&T. There have been blog posts, press...

Sorry, AT&T. Sprint's suit goes forward

Nov 3, 2011
We've been following events in the various lawsuits seeking to block AT&T's acquisition of T-Mobile. Rivals Sprint (the Ringo of wireless...

BlackBerry outages go to court

Oct 27, 2011
Turns out all those heartfelt, video apologies and free apps aren't going to be enough to stop people from suing Research in Motion over BlackBerry...

For public good, not for profit.

Sprint picks up iPhone, steam

Oct 26, 2011
The George Harrison of carriers issued its quarterly report yesterday and things are looking up in terms of subscribers. Sprint added 1.3 million...

Judge won't let government share data with Sprint in lawsuits

Oct 25, 2011
There was a hearing yesterday on the lawsuits from the Department of Justice and Sprint against AT&T in its proposed takeover of T-Mobile. The...

iPhone 4S goes on sale, everything gets crashy

Oct 7, 2011
Apple started taking pre-orders for the iPhone 4S (the Fours... iFours...Quatro- S... SQuatro?) at midnight. Its site promptly crashed and was down...