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In Japan, an effort to crowdsource radiation information

Jul 17, 2012
In Japan, the radiation from the Fukushima nuclear accident is going nowhere fast. And in many cases, it's not clear where the radiation's OK, and where it's not. That's where a group called SafeCast comes in.

Guess what Kodak kept in its basement...

May 14, 2012
The now-bankrupt photography company kept a little something (surprising) in its basement for 35 years.

No nuke Japan

Apr 18, 2012
Since Fukushima, Japan has shuttered all but one nuclear reactor. Now the debate to restart has begun.

A look inside the Fukushima nuclear plant

Feb 29, 2012
The BBC's Roland Buerk is one of the few foreign journalists who has been allowed inside the Fukushima nuclear power station that melted down after the earthquake in Japan last year. He describes the atmosphere, and the steps for the future.

North Korea suspends nuclear programs for U.S. food aid

Feb 29, 2012
The agreement may have been less about food than a political move by North Korea's new young leader. But it does open the door for restarting multi-nation disarmament talks.

Approval of new nuclear reactors near

Jan 30, 2012
The first new reactors since Three Mile Island is nearing approval just as natural gas is rising as an energy alternative that is safer and cleaner.

French nuclear giant Areva to slash 1,500 jobs

Dec 13, 2011
After the disaster in Fukushima, nuclear energy is less popular than it once was. Now, the nuclear company Areva will take drastic cost-cutting measures.

For public good, not for profit.