Edward Snowden's asylum hopes a hopscotch of connections

Jul 12, 2013
Edward Snowden is believed to be holed up at Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow, but he may be trying to figure out a way to get to Latin America, where he has been offered asylum by three countries.
Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA, revealed details of top-secret surveillance conducted by the United States' National Security Agency regarding telecom data.
The Guardian via Getty Images

Defcon hacking conference disinvites government agencies

Jul 11, 2013
Revelations about secret government surveillance may have a chilling effect on the government's ability to recruit talented computer coders and hackers.

The economics of Edward Snowden's asylum countries

Jul 11, 2013
Edward Snowden is likely headed to Latin America, where several countries have offered him asylum. What is the economic situation in each of these countries?

EU to U.S.: Stop bugging us

Jul 1, 2013
A multi-billion dollar free trade deal between the U.S. and Europe could be in jeopardy following the latest U.S. spying revelations.

Encryption apps enter the mainstream

Jul 1, 2013
For the most part, strong encryption technology of our e-mails, texts, and phone calls has been the domain of the powerful and the paranoid. But that's starting to change.

Big Data developers nonplussed by Snowden

Jun 26, 2013
At a Big Data industry conference in London, many industry experts find Edward Snowden's information dump unsurprising.

The NSA and Silicon Valley

Jun 20, 2013
Back in 2010, the chief security officer for Facebook, Max Kelly left the company for the NSA.

For public good, not for profit.

Should the NSA send you a check when they wiretap you?

Jun 17, 2013
Computer scientist Jaron Lanier has a market solution for the NSA's wiretapping needs -- and it involves taking out the agency's checkbook.

Apple goes public with government data requests

Jun 17, 2013
Apple says it has had between 4,000 and 5,000 government requests for user data from December of 2012 through last month.

NSA news has some Americans changing their tech habits

Jun 14, 2013
Revelations about NSA collection of phone and online data has caused some Americans to change their habits. An example? A jump in the use of search engines that promise more privacy.