"If Spain had the capability of the NSA, they'd do it too."

Oct 28, 2013
The BBC's Tom Burridge takes the temperature of Spaniards in Madrid over allegations of NSA call-monitoring.

Former NSA chief finds out what it's like to be spied on

Oct 25, 2013
If you're a former high ranking intelligence official giving an anonymous interview bashing the Obama administration on a train, make sure no one with a Twitter account is in earshot.

German's angry about NSA spying. But what can they do?

Oct 24, 2013
At a meeting in Brussels, European leaders are discussing possible retaliations, including suspending the transfer of bank data and withdrawal of negotiations over free trade.

France gets the NSA treatment

Oct 21, 2013
The new revelation is part of Edward Snowden's latest leak.

NSA's new Utah data center plagued with debilitating meltdowns

Oct 9, 2013
Electrical surges at a National Security Agency hub has delayed the center’s opening for over a year.

Israel gets raw and unfiltered data from the NSA

Sep 12, 2013
According to the latest document leak from Edward Snowden.

An alternative to the Internet?

Sep 10, 2013
Worried about NSA surveillance? One option is to operate on an entirely separate network.

For public good, not for profit.

NSA working to undermine the last ten years of encryption

Sep 9, 2013
New information about NSA surveillance activity emerges. Even encrypted data is vulnerable to its data mining.

More privacy concerns as leaks emerge that NSA can break encrypted data

Sep 6, 2013
More NSA revelations means even more concern about online privacy.

Who's surveilling the surveillers?

Sep 6, 2013
Will the revelation that data encryption isn’t as secure as thought change the way businesses operate?