We're running out of room to store natural gas

Apr 9, 2012
Natural gas is housed in underground salt caverns, depleted oil fields and aquifers. And the glut of gas means they are filling up too fast.

Natural gas prices hit 10-year lows

Mar 30, 2012
The changing natural gas market is forcing big changes to the U.S. economy.

Progress Energy CEO on future of natural gas

Feb 13, 2012
Bill Johnson, CEO of Progress Energy, addresses the concerns over natural gas and hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.

U.S. edging toward energy independence

Feb 7, 2012
Thanks to new domestic sources and tough mileage standards, America is producing 81 percent of its own energy, according to a new report.

'Fracking' moves to the suburbs

Dec 27, 2011
As new technology allows drilling in unexpected places, oil and gas operations are moving into populated areas.

Poland hopes shale gas drilling spurs economic growth

Dec 9, 2011
The Polish government wants to become a leader of shale gas extraction for the EU, but opponents are raising environmental concerns.

For public good, not for profit.

What's causing the steep rise in oil prices

Nov 16, 2011
The price of oil is up 20 percent over the last month, with prices today topping $100 a barrel. Why?

MID-DAY UPDATE: Stop reading your Facebook at work

Aug 26, 2010
California has passed legislation to set up a new market exchange for health insurance. It could be a model for other states to follow. The boa...