NASA looks to lease old shuttle facility

Jan 7, 2013
NASA looks to find new uses for defunct space center.

NASA's GRAIL mission, and the National Intelligence Council's predictions for the year 2030

Dec 17, 2012
Two spacecraft will crash into the moon today at the end of their orbiting mission to map the celestial body, and the National Intelligence Council has made predictions about our bionic lifestyle in 20 years.

The top places to work in the federal government

Dec 13, 2012
NASA and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation among the best on the list.

Avoiding hacks on Cyber Monday, and using low tech for modern space exploration

Nov 26, 2012
Cyber Monday can offer windfalls to hackers as well as shoppers, and even though our space travel ability is improving, we still use plenty of simple technologies to push it forward.

NASA probes to study weather in outer space

Aug 24, 2012
Forecasting bad weather events in space can save big money down here on earth.

Will the investment in the Curiosity rover pay off?

Aug 6, 2012
You can't get more international than Mars -- where the Curiosity rover has landed. Scientists say they're primarily searching for signs of life, but companies are springing up with the goal of extracting non-Earthly resources.

The costs of the Curiosity rover to Mars

Aug 6, 2012
The NASA rover Curiosity landed on the surface of the red planet late last night. And it was all hugs at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab in California. That's because it took a lot of work -- and money -- to make this moment possible.

For public good, not for profit.

The latest Times Square attraction: Mars

Aug 3, 2012
If you want to be surrounded by other earthlings as you watch NASA's Mars rovers land on the red planet, head for Times Square. The rovers, the space agency's biggest hits, will be live on the big screen.

Measuring women's progress in science since Sally Ride's flight

Jul 24, 2012
The passing of astronaut Sally Ride is occasion to mark the gains women have made in math and science since her historic space flight, and reflect on the challenges that remain.

Russian rocket carries U.S. astronaut for pay

Jul 16, 2012
Yesterday the Russian Soyuz spacecraft launched and is now on its way to the International Space Station. Since retiring their own shuttle program, NASA has been paying Russia millions of dollars to get astronauts into space.