Medical bills, bills, bills

Dec 11, 2014
43 million Americans have overdue medical debt on their credit reports.

'No medical student goes to...become a businessperson'

Aug 18, 2014
A doctor's thoughts on the changing healthcare landscape.

Why medical debt is different from other debt

Aug 8, 2014
New FICO score calculations will lessen the impact of unpaid medical bills.

Design: where dollars are scarce and need is great

Jul 21, 2014
American design schools team up with NGOs to get affordable products to market.

How to negotiate your health care bills

Sep 13, 2013
A few options if you find yourself on the bad end of a medical emergency with no way to pay for it.

The pain of paying for health care in the U.S.

Sep 13, 2013
Americans pay more for health care than in many other developed nations. A look at what the high cost of colonoscopies revealed about our health care system.

Searching online for health care deals

Aug 8, 2013
Imagine the of medical procedures.

For public good, not for profit.

Shop around for surgery? Negotiating health care costs to save cash

May 10, 2013
New data released by the federal government reveals that costs for identical medical procedures can vary widely from hospital-to-hospital. So to get the best deal, you might have to do some comparison shopping.

Paying for school when you're already in debt

Oct 12, 2012
When you pursue higher education with a big debt load weighing you down, it can be hard to figure out how to manage your scarce resources and still achieve your goals.
College graduates
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

The world of health-care pricing

Jun 11, 2012
A committee of the American Medical Association plays an important role in Medicare's setting of prices for medical procedures.