Nokia has a plan for prosperity and it just might work

Feb 16, 2011
A lot of people, your humble blogger included, have been dubious about the pairing of Nokia and Microsoft venturing into the smartphone ecosystem...

Apple goes to Foxconn, finds problems

Feb 15, 2011
Apple has just issued a report of auditing trips it made to China in 2010 to inspect conditions at its manufacturing plants, including Foxconn....

Nokia goes with Microsoft

Feb 11, 2011
Sort of a dog-bites-man story here, the thing happened that everyone thought would happen. Nokia has made a deal with Microsoft to have Windows...

Glasses-free 3D TV sales don't meet expectations of Toshiba

Feb 7, 2011
On the plus side, they easily surpass the expectations of anyone who has shocked that anyone would buy these things at all. Toshiba says it's sold...

New iPhone and iPad to have NFC built in?

Jan 25, 2011
Are you as sick of reading about the impending new iPhone and iPad as I am of typing those words? And having Microsoft Word STILL refuse to...

Motorola Xoom to cost 700 dollars? Or maybe 800? I'm exhausted.

Jan 24, 2011
The Xoom, Motorola's impending Android based tablet and alleged iPad killer, was arguably the hit of the recent Consumer Electronics Show. Huge...

New iPad 2 and iPhone 5 specs leaked

Jan 24, 2011
Engadget has the dirt on the new gizmos, providing me something to tell people when I'm cornered everywhere I go and asked about new iPads and new...

For public good, not for profit.

3DS coming in March

Jan 19, 2011
Nintendo says its 3D handheld gaming system, the 3DS, will be released March 27th and cost $250. The 3DS offers 3D games without having to wear...

Sony rolling out new PSP, new game phone

Jan 19, 2011
Sony is apparently introducing the latest version of its handheld gaming system, the PlayStation Portable (PSP) on January 27th, according to...

MIDDAY UPDATE: Tunisian protests, Urban goat farming, Costco samples

Jan 17, 2011
Protests continue today in the Tunisian capitol, Tunis. Troops fired water cannons and tear gas at demonstrators during the second month of unrest....