iPad Mini release and security breaches in Android Apps

Oct 23, 2012
European researchers say some apps on Android smartphones leave passwords, bank accounts, and other sensitive info vulnerable to theft. And, how much will the iPad Mini cost?

Amazon takes on Apple in price more than features

Sep 7, 2012
Why the retail giant doesn’t mind not making money on Kindle Fire tablets.

Twitter and your privacy

Aug 30, 2012
Twitter fights a court ruling to turn over a user's information.

Rumors and new models roil the tablet market

Aug 16, 2012
Rivals to the Apple iPad release new tablets almost every week. For many, a lower price is their big selling point.

How long can the TV streaming honeymoon last?

Aug 6, 2012
Networks and cable companies might not like the content boom but it may be too late to stop.

A newer, tinier iPad is said to be on the way

Jul 6, 2012
Apple looks to compete with Microsoft's and Google's smaller tablet models. Also, Google builds a robot brain that becomes keen on cat videos, and women post unflattering pictures of each other on Facebook.

Microsoft’s Surface: Will it be worth scratching?

Jun 18, 2012
A forthcoming tablet from the makers of Windows and Xbox offers a built-in keyboard and a lot of things that might remind you of the iPad.

For public good, not for profit.

The people behind your iPad: The bosses

Apr 12, 2012
Marketplace's Rob Schmitz was offered a rare glimpse into the world of Apple's usually secret supply chain. Here's the story of the people who help run Apple's Chinese producer, Foxconn.

The people behind your iPad: The workers

Apr 11, 2012
What's life like for the thousands of workers who assemble your Apple products? Marketplace’s Rob Schmitz gained rare access to Apple’s production line at a Foxconn plant in China.

Inside Foxconn as iPads get made

Apr 9, 2012
Marketplace’s China correspondent travels where few have gone before and visits the production line.