Will you buy into Obamacare or pay the penalty?

Apr 30, 2013
The new health care law requires individuals to carry health insurance beginning next year, or pay a small fine. Behavioral economists say even a little punishment may go a long way to get people to sign up.

When can you join a health insurance exchange? Few know.

Apr 4, 2013
A new study says only a fraction of people know they can sign up in October for the insurance exchanges that are key to President Obama's health care overhaul.

CVS forces workers to reveal weight or pay up

Mar 20, 2013
Workers covered by CVS pharmacy’s health plan will have to report their weight and other wellness information or pay a monthly fee. The new policy shows how companies, in addition to offering incentives for workers to become healthier, are adding penalties for those who don’t shape up. It's all about lowering healthcare costs.

Are insurers hiking rates despite health care reform

Jan 9, 2013
California's insurance commissioner has called out Anthem Blue Cross of California for an 'excessive' 11 percent premium increase for some customers.

Awaiting approval for state health insurance exchanges

Jan 1, 2013
The fiscal cliff was hardly the only important deadline today in Washington. Today's the day for the Secretary of Health and Human Services to tell states whether their plans for health insurance exchanges pass muster.

New taxes take effect to fund Affordable Care Act

Dec 25, 2012
Fiscal cliff deal or not, some taxes will go up either way.

Making sense of health care exchanges

Nov 16, 2012
After states decide whether to set up their own exchanges, or let the federal government do it, then comes the hard part.

For public good, not for profit.

Study: Annual physicals 'overrated'

Oct 17, 2012
Researchers in Europe are challenging the conventional wisdom of the yearly medical exam.

Health insurance industry healthier than predicted

Oct 17, 2012
Parts of President Obama's health care reform have already been implemented without causing the expected fiscal fallout.

Insurance exchanges get the PR treatment

Oct 5, 2012
The federal government has signed on with an ad agency for a $3 million campaign to promote insurance exchanges.