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New Texans

Jan 4, 2006
As many as one-third of Katrina evacuees who fled to Texas plan to stay, according to a new study. Larry Schooler looks at what the new arrivals could mean to the economy of the Lone Star State.

China's non-democratic capitalism

Jan 4, 2006
Commentator Robert Reich says China's embrace of capitalism shows that free markets don't necessarily need democracy to thrive.

Hungry little piggy banks

Jan 4, 2006
Personal savings in 2005 dropped to their lowest level since the Great Depression, according to a new report. Hillary Wicai has more.

Inflation indicators

Dec 22, 2005
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell surveys inflation indicators with host Scott Jagow to evaluate how good a job the Fed is doing to keep prices down.

Under the sheltering lie

Dec 20, 2005
Lawmakers will be taking up capital gains and dividend tax breaks right after the New Year. The White House says lowering those taxes will create jobs and opportunity. Tax analyst and commentator Len Burman thinks not.

Blowing bubbles

Nov 3, 2005
Finance expert Chris Farrell tells host Scott Jagow that many economists are uncomfortable with outgoing Fed Chief Alan Greenspan's laissez-faire attitude toward market bubbles.

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

Oct 27, 2005
Congress wants to tighten supervision over the government's mammoth mortgage lenders. Stacey Vanek Smith reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Chris Farrell on earnings

Oct 20, 2005
Finance Expert Chris Farrell talks to host Scott Jagow about how much faith investors should put in earnings forecasts.

Debt is bad, but that's not all

Oct 20, 2005
New York Fed President Timothy Geithner warned Wednesday that America's budget deficit could hamper future economic growth. But Stacey Vanek Smith reports that there's more to the story.

Balancing Act

Jan 17, 2004
Chris Farrell offers up his opinion on how the government handles its books.