Loan defaults on rise

Sep 14, 2006
Foreclosures are up over a year ago according to figures released yesterday. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

The Fed's next move

Sep 7, 2006
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell talks with host Scott Jagow about what the Fed should do next with interest rates.

Selling in a soft market

Sep 4, 2006
You want to sell your home, but you don't want the price to sink in the softening market. How do you protect yourself? Janet Babin tells her story.

Downsize my space

Sep 4, 2006
With interest rates going up, is the era of big houses on its way out? Bob Moon takes a look.

Is there more in the housing numbers?

Sep 1, 2006
The government said today that construction spending fell 1.2 percent in July — the biggest drop in five years. The main reason: home building is down. So we're at the point of asking, will housing take down the whole economy?

Balancing unemployment and inflation

Sep 1, 2006
Jobless figures were expected to remain unchanged. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports the numbers will likely vindicate the Fed's decision to hold interest rates steady.

August unemployment holds steady

Sep 1, 2006
The latest jobs numbers are in and itseems employers are still hiring at a decent pace — with exceptions in a couple industries. Scott Tong reports.

For public good, not for profit.

So, are we in a recession or not?

Aug 31, 2006
Consumer spending in August jumped to its highest point in six months. But a barometer that's predicted four of the last five recessions says we're firmly in the midst one. What's really going on? Bob Moon reports.

Retail sales figures out today

Aug 31, 2006
Major retailers report their August sales figures today. Nancy Marshall Genzer tells us what to expect.

Bankruptcy rates decline . . . sort of

Aug 29, 2006
New data show the rate of bankruptcy filings has plummeted. But Ashley Milne-Tyte reports that the numbers could be misleading.