An English village, 30 years after its mine closed

Apr 8, 2014
Brampton lost its coal mine 30 years ago, despite a year-long miner's strike. What's there now?

Coal country starts to ask 'What's after coal?'

Apr 7, 2014
In eastern Kentucky, coal mines are closing, putting thousands out of work.

In Kentucky, who's to blame for coal's decline?

Apr 7, 2014
The main problem is that Kentucky coal is played out and expensive to mine.

The history of coal as a brand

Jan 20, 2014
Coal may be synonymous with pollution but as coal historian Barbara Freese found, that wasn’t always the case.

China rolls out plan to clean its air - will it work?

Jan 9, 2014
China has some of the worst smog in the world – impacting the lives of more than a billion people as well as the bottom line for the world’s second biggest economy.

A village, poisoned: the toxic trail of China's coal industry

Dec 19, 2013
U.S. coal producers hope to export coal from the Pacific Northwest to China. The world’s second biggest economy burns more coal than the rest of the world combined. That’s generated record levels of air pollution in China, and polluted waterways, too.

Will China buy American coal?

Dec 18, 2013
U.S. coal companies have hit hard times. Domestic demand is drying up, and global prices for coal are hitting record lows. What to do? The industry is looking across the Pacific to China for help, and is planning to build coal terminals in Washington to export coal from Montana’s Powder River Basin to the world’s second-biggest economy. But is China interested in American coal?

For public good, not for profit.

A Montana tribe encourages coal mining, for its own well-being

Dec 17, 2013
The Crow tribe in the Powder River Basin has one coal mine on its reservation, but poverty among tribal members remains high. The tribe would like more mining.

On the high plains, an almost invisible coal industry counts on Asia

Dec 16, 2013
Strip mines in the Powder Ridge Basin of Wyoming and Montana are isolated and out of sight. Their efforts to expand exports of coal to Asia are making them more visible.

Coal miners still die from Black Lung in 2013, but new rules could change that

Dec 12, 2013
This month federal regulators are expected to come out with new rules around Black Lung. Mine owners have argued against stricter regulations. It's been decades since major changes were made in standards for coal dust exposure.