Stories Tagged as
Climate crisis
As wildfire disasters multiply, evacuation planning lags
Kimberly Adams
and Anais Amin
Aug 8, 2022
Fires are unpredictable. They can spark anywhere, grow to any size and move in any direction, says Caroline Mimbs Nyce of The Atlantic.
Why isn't Big Oil up in arms about the climate-friendly Inflation Reduction Act?
Andy Uhler
Aug 8, 2022
The bill incentivizes clean energy but doesn't vilify fossil fuels. Traditional oil companies can access some of the benefits as well.
There's a boom in building warehouses, but what does that mean for the environment?
Emily Jones
Aug 3, 2022
New warehouses can sometimes replace green space, which has climate implications.
Few homeowners in Kentucky's flooded areas have flood insurance
Aug 2, 2022
Nationwide, only 4 in 100 homes are covered, a FEMA official says. Without it, victims are pretty much on their own.
Biden administration launches as extreme heat becomes more common
Aug 1, 2022
The government also boosts funding for a FEMA program to help communities prepare for extreme heat and other climate-related disasters.
Could the sand battery make renewable energy more dependable?
Jul 29, 2022
A start-up in Finland unveils the world’s first commercial heat storage system using sand to solve the problem of the variability of solar and wind power.
U.S. schools are rebuilding on safer ground to combat flooding and climate change
Jul 18, 2022
Thousands of schools are located in areas subject to flooding, a Pew study says. Rebuilding puts schools in competition for safer land.
For public good, not for profit.
The climate crisis comes for outdoor tourism
Jun 23, 2022
A historic drought and massive wildfire have hurt the outdoor tourism industry in the Southwest United States.
Extreme heat is becoming more common. Should tenants have a right to air conditioning?
Jun 14, 2022
There are many more laws and programs to help low-income people stay warm in the winter than cool in the summer.
"Refilleries" give consumers a way to reuse plastic bottles and cut waste
Emily Jones
Jun 13, 2022
Businesses are reviving an old model to reduce single-use plastic in an effort to curb plastic pollution and fight climate change.