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For some bitcoiners, "a second passport is the ultimate hedge"

Aug 3, 2023
Instead of buying a new Porsche or a private jet rental, the mega-rich can drop $100,000 on a new citizenship — and the benefits that go with it.
Dominica offers two routes to citizenship: a one-time donation of $100,000 or a real estate investment of $200,000.
Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images

What's the price of becoming a U.S. citizen?

Jul 3, 2023
Roughly 9 million people are eligible to become citizens today, but taking that final step comes with a price tag.
New U.S. citizens are sworn in during a naturalization ceremony in Boston.
Joseph Prezioso/AFP via Getty Images

What does a citizenship question mean for census data and dollars?

Apr 23, 2019
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear arguments on whether the 2020 census should include a citizenship question.
Demonstrators rally at the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC, on April 23, 2019, to protest a proposal to add a citizenship question in the 2020 Census.

For many businesses, good census data is the benchmark

Apr 22, 2019
What happens when the numbers aren't accurate?
Forms for Census 2010 are displayed during an event to promote the census on April 1, 2010 in Washington, DC.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Steps Chinese women take to secure U.S. citizenship for their babies

Mar 6, 2019
Children born on U.S. soil are granted citizenship under the 14th Amendment.
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

More than 600,000 American children born to Mexican nationals are living in Mexico

Feb 13, 2019
Even though they have the right to return to the U.S., they may not know it, a California Sunday reporter says.
Dusk falls over a section of the U.S.-Mexico border fence near Campo, California.
David McNew/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

What does public charge proposal mean for hospitals that treat immigrants?

Dec 10, 2018
Today is the final day for comment for the Trump administration’s public charge proposal that would make it harder for immigrants to qualify for citizenship if they’ve used public benefits, including SNAP, public housing and Medicaid. Immigrants who’ve received cash assistance or long-term medical care already have a strike against them when they apply for […]
Immigrants make up roughly 12 percent of the population in this country, but account for just 8.6 percent of heath care expenditures. 
John Moore/Getty Images

Trump administration drafting dramatic curbs on legal immigration

Aug 7, 2018
The U.S. government has always been wary of immigrants who might be a drain on the economy, but soon even legal immigrants who’ve enrolled in Obamacare could be disqualified from citizenship if proposed new rules take effect. Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 
White House adviser Stephen Miller is one of the main architects for this new policy. 
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

The cost of being a DACA recipient

Oct 13, 2017
It's $495, to be exact. Where does the money go?
People rally in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program near Trump Tower in New York on Oct. 5.