Comcast takeover of NBCU still being hammered out

Dec 15, 2010
It seems like forever ago that we first heard about Comcast's intentions to buy NBC Universal. Now comes word that the deal could be approved by...

Music blogs hit by piracy crackdown

Dec 14, 2010
A while back we talked about a massive crackdown by the Justice department on websites suspected of trafficking in pirated movies and music. The...

Microsoft joins complaint against Google

Dec 14, 2010
Google has been trying for several months now to acquire a software company called ITA, which makes a product that searches airline information for...

McDonalds McHacked

Dec 14, 2010
McDonalds says its customer database was hacked. Information on participants in various promotions, ages, contact info. But, McDonalds says, no...

Google competitors grousing that Google gives itself preferential treatment

Dec 13, 2010
The Wall Street Journal has a helpful round up of complaints against Big G from sites that offer services similar to what Google is also doing....

The Atlantic survived by trying to destroy itself

Dec 13, 2010
Really interesting read in the New York Times about how The Atlantic managed to reinvent itself and turn a profit of 1.8 million dollars, the first...

Amazon Europe either hacked or not

Dec 13, 2010
Several European Amazon sites were down over the weekend, leading any sensible person to think that perhaps Anonymous was taking more revenge...

For public good, not for profit.

World Wildlife Fund introduces the .WWF document

Dec 10, 2010
Let's get this out of the way right now. We're not talking about the World Wrestling Federation....

Reuters gets four anonymous sources on iPad 2

Dec 10, 2010
I'll keep saying it to make sure everyone hears me: if you buy an iPad right now, you are a sucker. If you're happy with being a sucker, great,...

Amazon selling Wikileaks e-book

Dec 9, 2010
Amazon's UK store is selling an e-book containing excerpts from the recent Wikileaks cables. This after Amazon kicked Wikileaks off the Amazon...