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Phil Hamm's no billionaire, but he's got something to say about oil

Aug 11, 2014
Billionaire Harold Hamm is a leading oil man. Phil Hamm - he's a different story

A mall in the middle of (what used to be) nowhere

Jun 16, 2014
Williston, North Dakota, is in the middle of an oil boom, but it doesn't have many stores or restaurants for a growing population.

In North Dakota, making ribs for roughnecks

May 13, 2014
All sorts of people have moved to North Dakota to take jobs in the oil fields.

In oil boom, happy to drive a truck by day, a cab by night

Dec 17, 2013
Elsie Ejismekwu is happy to have two driving jobs in the North Dakota oil fields as she starts her life over.

Working an oil rig will make a man of you

Jul 10, 2013
Tait Salzer moved to North Dakota to get in on the state's oil boom. He works an oil rig.

Surrounded by wolves in a North Dakota oil town

May 3, 2013
A young woman takes action to feel safe in an oil boomtown filled with lonely and sometimes aggressive men.

For public good, not for profit.

Oil-boom sprawl swallows a North Dakota city

Mar 8, 2013
The oil industry and the thousands of workers it's attracted have swallowed up communities like Williston, N.D., where neighborhoods on the edge of town now feel like they're in the center.

Not everyone in oil-boom country finds what they want

Jan 8, 2013
The oil boom in North Dakota has attracted tens of thousands of people looking for work. There are a lot of jobs, but it's not a boom for everyone.

Seeing opportunity in North Dakota's oil boom

Dec 11, 2012
Daniel Brock was happily teaching. Then he heard about jobs in the oil fields of North Dakota. Now he's happily working there.