You can now shotgun your favorite wheat cereal

Aug 13, 2015
Fulton Beer and Wheaties are teaming up to bring you breakfast with a higher than usual alcohol content level.

China dominates beer sales

May 22, 2015
You may be surprised by the highest-selling suds in the world.

Spilling the beans on Starbucks' coffee-beer

Sep 22, 2014
Like a stout, but the other way around?

Pliny the Elder: A case study in scarcity marketing

Sep 18, 2014
Pliny the Elder inspires beer hunters around the world to search for just one bottle.
Bottles of Russian River Brewing Company Pliny the Elder beer sit in a cooler at Russian River Brewing Company on February 7, 2014 in Santa Rosa, California.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

British pubs: popular but disappearing

Aug 20, 2014
Britain's famous warm hostelries are giving way to supermarkets and other stores.

July 4th is a big beer holiday

Jul 4, 2014
Beer sales have been flagging for the big breweries, although craft beers are soaring.